Exploring temporal aspects of task modelling for entity recommendation

"Exploring temporal aspects of task modelling for entity recommendation"

Task based entity recommendation (Jacucci et al TOCHI 2021) requires modelling and learning overtime from observations of the user activity. In this approach the task context is recorded from screens to recommend information entities related to the current task. Considering temporal aspects in task modelling includes considering that task evolve, have a lifecycle, and could include routines. The talk will explore how to conceptualise temporal dimension of tasks , considering what research steps could inform the development of task models that can model the temporal relevance of entities.

Jacucci, G., Daee, P., Vuong, T., Andolina, S., Klouche, K., Sjöberg, M., Ruotsalo, T. and Kaski, S., 2021. Entity recommendation for everyday digital tasks. ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (TOCHI), 28(5), pp.1-41. https://doi.org/10.1145/3458919

Bio: Prof. Dr. Giulio Jacucci is Professor at the Department of Computer Science at the University of Helsinki. He has been Professor at the Aalto University, Department of Design 2009-2010. His research over the years focussed on mobile and ubiquitous computing, including public displays, mobile group media, augmented reality, exploratory search and recommender systems. The current research focuses mainly on task based entity recommendation, affective interaction in XR, behaviour change and wellbeing. He has coordinated several European projects in the area of ubiquitous computing, XR, neuroadaptivity and search. He is co-founder of several research spin offs and co-authored two patents in the area of information seeking and modular screens.